The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

I've been working on a Douglass family in Lynn MA who I thought might descend from Alexander Dugle (Douglas) who was transported after the battle of Dunbar - 1650-to work in the Lynn MA Iron Works.  I've found a statement by Alexander that he worked at the Iron Works and he was 50 years old in 1683 (or 51 in 1681, take your pick) so he was born in about 1631 -3.  The source is the Essex (MA) Quarter Sessions Court records.  Nothing refers to him ever having married.

However I've found the correct lineage for the family I was looking for, Alexander who m Sarah Ballard 1730 Lynn and went to CT, Alexander who m Abigail Sharp 1700 Lynn.  In the Essex Institute b, m, d for Lynn there is a Duggell/Duggall/Dugell family, headed by Allister (Alisdair?) who has a son Alexander the right age to have m Abigail Sharp.  Even Savage spells the name Dougall/Dugall.  Alisdair had a big family, besides Alexander b 1673, there was Allen dy, Elizabeth, John, James b 1660, d 1688, Joseph, Mary and Samuel.  Alexander and Abigail had Samuel b 1700/1, Alexander b 1704 (m Sarah Ballard), Abigail and John. Checking the Essex Co records shows the name spelled Duggall to Douglass and everything in between.   So who was Alidair Douglass?  Another prisoner from Dunbar?  And where are all these children?  The only one I can trace is Alexander and Sarah.  Alisdair m Hannah ?? and Alexander's s Samuel m Sarah Chilson in Lynn.  Where are these people? 


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The battle of Dunbar in 1650 must count as one of the Scots worst defeats. 

Of all the victories won by Cromwell, Dunbar was the most complete; more than 3,000 killed and wounded covered the field. Of the wounded no exact lists were ever made up, but 1,000 of them were sent next day in country carts, a mock present to the Countess of Winton. There were taken upwards of 10,000 prisoners, of who were 18 field officers, 47 captains, 7 captain-lieutenants, 204 subalterns, and 15 sergeants. There were also taken 200 stand of colour 15,000 stand to arms, 32 pieces of cannon, and all the tents, ammunition, and baggage.

Only 3,000 lived to reach Newcastle cold, naked, weary, footsore, sick, and sinking - and was thrust into the great church of St. Nicholas. When the trumpets sounded for the next day’s march, 143 were found past ever marching more. Many more died by the way on the march to Durham. Two hundred who survived all their miseries were sent to Virginia, Including one Alexander Douglas.

Amongst the casualties, were the regiment of Kirkness which lost no less than 30 officers, including its Colonel, Sir William Douglas of Kirkness, grandson of William Douglas, 6th Earl of Morton, who was slain, as he lay, wounded and helpless, in a thicket near Broxmouth House, where his gravestone, bearing his name, is still to be seen.  It is a possibility that Alexander was a member of this regiment - he may have been connected to it's Colonel. But we do not know.

Additional information  Alexander Douglas (Allicksander Dugall) aged 50 years and Mackam Downing fifty years testified that they were brought into this country as servants to the owners of the Iron Works, Bex & Co 32 years ago, Salem Quarterly Court March 16 1682/3.  Alexander Duggles aged 51 testified that he was sent a servant to Mr Jeffards, agent to the Ironworks Co, Mr Bex & Co July 26 1681.  In an inventory of the Lynn Iron Works, one item is 35 Scotts, including  Alex Dugle and Micam Dourey (Mackam Downing). Salem Quarterly Court April 26 1666.    Mackam Downing, a Scott, m Margaret Sullevan Mar 4 1653.  Lynn MA.  There is no record of a m for Alexander unless he used the name Alisdair after his m.  From the birth of his first child James, the records show Alisdair's name spelled Duggle, Duggell and other variants but from 1676 on it is almost always spelled Dugglas or some variant. 


Betsey,  thank you for still researching my line.  I'm still trying to get a cousin to be tested (DNA).  

The middle name of John L. was most definitely Levi.  Levi along with Molly (Polly) Hull are listed in the Ancient Families of Wallingford.  I'm glad I found this site with you and Julie both on it!

Hi Ramona,   It's great to hear from you.   I've come  across occasional information about the Dugal/Dugglas families in Lynn and Essex Co, MA.  I don't remember any of them adding much to what I already sent you.   It would sure be a help to get a DNA sample from your cousin.   Dugal and Dugglas are so similar in pronunciation - especially if you kind of drop or de-emphasize the last two letters in Dugglas - that its sure possible the name was initially mis-recorded. 


Great to hear from you too.  The "ss" has always been used by my family going back to GGGgrandfather Asahel.  Thank you for helping me continue my quest.  The cousin that I need the DNA from just isn't too keen on the idea.



Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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