The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

Samuel Douglas(s) b.Scotland 1699 d.New Hampshire 1793 Searching for father

I am Looking for the father of:

Samuel Douglas b.1699 Burnhouses Auchingramont Hamilton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

d.1793 Littleton NH

married in Scotland Hepzibah Richardson b.1701 d. ?

Immigrated 1730 from Scotland to MA, then NH with his children and grand children


"Captain" Samuel D. Douglass

b.Dec. 26, 1723 in Scotland,

d.1816 in Littleton, Grafton, NH, USA

Marriage 29 May 1764 in Scotland to Molly Conant b1748 – d.1835

Immigrated 1730 Scotland to MA, lived NH

potential 2nd marriage to Tabitha Fletcher

Fought in the War of Revolution

There is an Academy named after him in NH


Samuel Douglass Birth 22 Aug 1767 in Townsend, Middlesex, MA, USA

Death 18 May 1841 in Wilton, Hillsborough, NH, USA

married Sarah Seaver b.1770 – d.1829 He was twice marrried; m. 1st, Jan 26, 1792, Sarah, dau of Capt. Robert Seaver of Brookline; m 2nd Ruth Chandler.

A Deacon in the Baptist Church

Immigration records: 

some documentation from "The history of Brookline NH"

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Hi Ian!

I had almost given up hope of finding someone else who was tracing this Douglass' back to Scotland.

I most appreciate your message and the difficulties we have in following the line.

I have confirmed my line back to Samuel in NH and am fairly certain of his father from "The history of Brookline". 

I have only interest in bloodline, regardless of any royal affiliation (or name/sept)

I did find to be helpful in verifying the information I had gathered.  But beyond that the "Robert" is where I can find no definitive corroboration.

Let me know how your search is going as we trace our line.


Have you done a DNA test? I have toyed with the idea of getting one done through my father but wanted to see if I could find more information to help be head in the right direction.

Thanks SO much for contacting me,

Bernadine Douglass

How about this?

Samuel D., min. here in 1041 ; M.A.
(Edinburgh 1GG9) ; adm. min. of
Longformacus in 1G72 ; pres. by Charles
II. 15th Oct. 1077 ; deprived by the Privy
Council, 8th Sept, 1689, for not reading the
Proclamation of the Estates, nor praying
for William and Mary. He was accused
of taking away the Presb. Records. He
died Jan. 1704, aged about 55. He marr.
Margaret Bannatyne, probably daugh. of
his predecessor, and had issue Samuel
of Burnhouses ; Helen (marr. 27th Dec.
1729, John Johnston, writer, Edinburgh) ;
Katherine (marr. July 1735, Yaxly David
son, merchant, Edinburgh). [Min.-book
Rey. Sec. Sir/., v. ; MS. Ace. of Min., 1689 ;
Edinburgh Marriage Reg. ; Treasury Sed.
Rook, 22nd July 1696.]

Re: Samuel Douglas b.1699 Burnhouses Auchingramont Hamilton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Auchingramont is in Hamilton, but Hamilton is Lanarkshhire, not Aberdeenshire

Hi. Your message came up in a search I did for my 4th great grandfather, Henderson Douglas 1809-1871 and his possible father, Samuel Douglas. I’ve hit a road block tracing them or confirming some information on them from when they lived in Ayrshire, Scotland before moving to America. I’m hoping you or someone here can help, but my Samuel would have been in Scotland at least when Henderson was born until he married in 1827.


The only information I’ve found was this listing, but no further info:

Ayrshire, Scotland, Parish and Probate Records

Douglas, Samuel, of Burnhouses, residing at Auchingramont, near Hamilton 05 Mar 1794 and 20 Nov 1794

Book Mac. Mc. contd. (Marriages)

Collection Lanarkshire, Aberdeenshire, Banff, Ayr, & Stirling: - Commissariot Record of Hamilton and Campsie, Register of Testaments, 1564-1800


Have you ever come across the surnames Glendinnan/ Glendinning or Moore or Towel/Toal from the 1700’s in Ayrshire? Or further information on the Douglas’s? I think Henderson’s parents are Samuel Douglass 1772-1871 and Jane Towel/Toad 1771-1871, but the dates don’t seem right, both born and died in same year. Maybe people connected his parents through his marriage records? But all ancestry gives is the date, Henderson and his wife’s names and file number, so I can’t tell. I know his wife was Anne Glendinnan 1812-1884. They were married on 1 Dec 1827 in Monkton, Ayr, Scotland.


I haven’t found any source information on Samuel, just other trees connecting them. So I don’t feel confident. I do have a lot of information on Henderson, including multiple census records, marriage record, and birth records for his kids. All dates and names match perfectly.


How common were those surnames in Ayrshire then? I know him and his sons were miners, so perhaps his father was too?


Any tips or information you have would be wonderful.

Thank you.


Not much help!

Hi, Bernadine.

I tried to connect with you on Facebook to provide you this very consequential update, but this forum should suffice.

A few months ago, a distant Douglass cousin of mine reached out to me and confirmed that he had submitted his DNA to FamilyTreeDNA. His DNA did not fit in with any established Douglas(s) family lines, but DID overlap substantially with the MacDougalls and MacDonalds in the FamilyTreeDNA system. 

He was asked to submit his DNA for further analysis through the MacDougall DNA Project and the Big Y protocol. The result of the analysis confirmed that he was not only a MacDougall family member, but a direct descendant of Somerled through Somerled's first son, Dougall. 

The leaders of the MacDougall DNA Project also contacted me and paid all the expenses of having me submit my own DNA to the project for analysis. The results of my DNA analysis matched those of my cousin's; I am also a MacDougall by DNA, and a direct descendant of Somerled. This also means that Phineas Douglass was a MacDougall descendant, and possibly Samuel as well if Samuel has been correctly identified as Phineas' father.

So, this at least confirms that there are some Americans with the Douglass surname who are actually MacDougalls by descent. I hope this is helpful to you. The researchers suspect that this "Douglass" branch broke away from a MacDougall family in Argyll, Scotland sometime in the late 1600s.  

I hope this information is even remotely as beneficial to you as it was to me.


Thank's for your persistence getting a hold of me.

I had an old email attached to this account and just got this forward from the site I don't usually look at FB friend requests and last week deactivated my account so your request may have been lost at the time.

Yes, this is very interesting information!

The Phineas and Samuel Douglass through the Brookline NH documents was as far as I could get and had not gone further to get any additional information.

This shows your cousin and you both having matched back to Somerled through Mc/MacDougall. I'm not familiar with the above chart, are your referenced codes in this MacDougall DNA Project or is this a wider database?

Wow, so cool- do you have a contact with them? I wonder if I should reach out to submit mine as well.

Thank you for passing this on, I really appreciate it.


Hi, Bernadine.

Here is a link to the full results:

This is only traceable through the Y haplogroup, which is passed from father to son. If you have any Douglass males in your family (father, uncle, cousin) who are willing to submit their DNA to the MacDougall research project, I know the guy to get them in touch with, and the researchers will probably cover the expense of the testing. Those results would also provide us with the knowledge as to whether or not Samuel and Phineas descended from the same line.

I will follow up on this.  My father has always been interested in my work so I can imagine he would participate.

Thanks, Ian

is it a specific halogroup??  I see 13 that have RT-FT  starting

maybe more of our Douglases fit?? 

here is the Douglas DNA group - William posted your message on it to us ;-) 

Thanks for the great info & for sharing 


Hi, Julie.

In the thread above you can see how my cousin and I have been grouped within the MacDougall DNA chart.

Below is how we are placed on the Douglas(s) DNA chart. We're the Phineas group in orange:

I can also confirm that I am R-M512, which is the same as the Drumalanrig line...

...but a deeper analysis has shown that we are MacDougalls and not Douglasses. I'm afraid you'd have to ask someone that knows far more about this than I do.

Ian Douglass I'm from both those lines , McDougall McDowall had Drumlanrig before the Douglases, so it may be like the Douglas became Hamilton thing
Id be really happy if you had a gedmatch no you might like to share , see the Douglas DNA group I had set up too , if you wish to join that , your pobviously very clued up
 I suspect a lot of my Louisiana Mississippi DNA matches , might originate from "Douglas" and Stewart 
where abouts are you ?

regards Jackie


Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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