The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

In a previous post I gave some background information on the Barony and lands of Dryfesdale:

In another publication I recently came across a further reference to the Barony of Dryfesdale:

Ref: An inquiry concerning the Boss family and the name Boss

This reference also highlights the Coat of Arms of 'Lord Boyis of Dryvisdaill of Auld' and the family's link to the Bruces of Annandale:

".....In these early times to which I have referred the Bruce family were Lords of Annandale’ and the Bois family were among their feudal vassals; the Bois arms are the same as the Bruce, with a difference in color to distinguish them, and are What are called feudal arms....."

The image below shows the arms of a number of early families with links to the Lords of Annandale:

Best regards

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I just popped Saffron Walden Drysdales into the search engine...

Here's one:
and another:
DRYSDALE, INNES & CO. LIMITED and also  Drysdale Street Management Co 

Hi William.

It seems like the Drysdales in Saffron Walden either died out in 1600s or moved on as there don't seem to be any more in that area until the end 1800s/early 1900s.

Best regards

Saffron Walden - Annandale - De Bruce - De Bohun  -  De Bois

The early Saxon manor of Walden became medieval Chipping Walden and then finally Saffron Walden.

In 1226 the manor of Walden was passed to the De Bohuns family, Earls of Essex and Hereford.

Humphrey (VII) de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford (c. 1276-1322), was about twenty-three years old at the time of his father’s death. On 16 February, 1298 the king took his homage and he inherited his father’s lands in the counties of Essex (Saffron Walden, Quendon, Debden, Shenfield,......etc)

Ref Wikipedia

........Robert Bruce is closely connected to the Bohuns...Humphrey de Bohun received many of Robert Bruce's forfeited properties. It is unknown whether Humphrey was a long-time friend or enemy of Robert Bruce, but they were nearly the same age and the lands of the two families in Essex and Middlesex lay very close to each other. After Bruce's defeats, Humphrey took Lochmaben, and Edward I awarded him Annandale and the castle.

....In April 1306 he was granted the lordship of Annandale in Scotland, forfeited from Robert de Bruce, and in July 1307 he received another of Bruce’s forfeitures, the Essex manors of Writtle, Hatfield, Baddow and Broomshaw.
POMS reference

Also it seems that the De Bohuns and De Boys [Bois] families were acquainted

Ref Ethesis - The de Bohun Dynasty: Power, Identity and Piety 1066-1399

A John De Boys was a steward in the De Bohun household in 1399

Some further Poms Refs for Humphrey del Bois (acting as a witness)

Also Hugh of Dryfesdale as a witness

Click on witnesses tab to see entries

Best regards

Ronald , In regards to Hugh of Dryfesdale as wittness to the Quitrents of the lands of Todrig, 

Todrig shows up with various  spellings  Totheryg, Thotheryg, Todrig ect. According to Ian Douglas there were 2 areas called Todrig, the one in refference is just  west of Ashkirk, south of Selkirk. 

Hi Russell

Some nice photos, I know the area - it's about 60 miles from where I was born.

Best regards

Here is an old one , relevant to Walter de Bosco , Robert Bruce , Hugh son of Ingebald...

Charter by Robert Bruce to Ivo and his heirs, of a place between the fishings of Blawad and the water of Esk, for fishing and spreading his nets. Circa a.d.1190. 
  Robertus de Brtjis, omnibus hominibus suis et amicis, salutem. Soiatis me dedisse et concessisse et hae carta mea confinnasse Iuoni et heredi'ous suis locum qui est inter piscariam de Blawad et aquam de Hesch; tenendum de me et heredibus meis ad piscarias suas faciendas et retia tendenda, libere et quiete ; reddendo miehi annuatim unam libram piperis, uel sex denarios ; hiis testibus, Petro de Humez, Hugone de Corri, Hugone filio Ingebaldi, Eoberto de Hodelmia, Waltero de Bosco, Humfrido del Gardine, Ricardo Flammanc, Henrico filio Gerardi.   
Google translation 
Robert de Bruce Greetings to all his people and friends. You have promised that I have given and granted, and that these charters of mine have confined to John and his heirs the place which is between the fishery of Blawad and the water of Hesch; to be held of me and my heirs to make their fisheries and to draw their nets, freely and quietly; paying to my wife one pound of pepper annually, or six denarii; these witnesses, Peter de Humez, Hugh de Corri, Hugh the son of Ingebald, Eobert de Hodelmia, Walter de Bosco, Humfrid del Gardine, Richard the Flamanc, Henry the son of Gerard.
original source cited:  Original charter in Drumlanrig Charter-chest. 


Some further references that are relevant to the origins of the name Drysdale

Ref: Calendar of documents relating to Scotland preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London. vol 1

1194-1245 - Brus, Dryfesdale, Hugh son of Ingebald, de Bosco, & del Bois.
- Knights of Dryfesdale?

So then we end up with Hugh of Dryfesdale in 1241.

Best regards

Origins of Drysdale continued

A pdf of this document can be downloaded here:

Re Origins of Drysdale continued - families with links to the Lords...

Best regards

In the last post, the possibility of the daughters of Robert de Bruce, 2nd Lord of Annandale, being married off (with dowries of land) to the notable families in Annandale was mentioned in the source 'Family records of the Bruces and the Cumyns'

In another source 'An inquiry concerning the Boss family and the name Boss' we find a reference to a Humfrey Del Boys who witnesses a Bruce Annandale Charter circa 1170 - his French ancestry is implied.

Best regards

The earliest charter I have come across, linking the Brus family of Annandale to the de bois family, dates from about 1150. This is found in the 'Feodarium Prioratus dunelmensis. A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham compiled in the fifteenth century'

- the charter is in Latin and a precis follows (

"Grant of Robert of Brus to the church of St Cuthbert and the brothers of the same serving God of the chapel of Eden with all its tithes and parochial customs, in free and pure alms, together with two bovates of land, retaining sufficient so that whenever he stays at Eden, he or his wife may be served by their own chaplain in the castle chapel, receiving all the offerings made by himself, his family and guests at mass, and at other times the monks' priest shall sing mass in the same chapel, and the prior of St Cuthbert within 4 years from this agreement will provide a chapel for the vill and have it consecrated.
Confirmed by William [of Ste Barbera] bishop of Durham [he was Bishop of Durham for the period of 1143-1153]
Witnesses: Archdeacon Ranulf, Cuthbert prior of Guisborough, German prior of Tynemouth, Canon Nicholas, Canon Guala, Master Laurence, Roger of Conyers (Cogni), Humphrey del Bois, Yvo of Crosby, William the cleric, Walter son of Aldred, Nigel son of Peter, Alan the priest, Gregory of Scotland."

It can be seen that this charter was witnessed by Humphrey del Bois who is probably the same Humphrey del Bois that is mentioned in my previous post (ie alive circa 1170)

This Brus/del Bois association obviously predates the 1215 charter which confirms the previous grant of the lands of Dryfesdale to Hugh, son of Ingebald - but more about that later.

Another reference to the de Bois family is contained within the publication - 'Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals - supplement' by Laing

What is interesting here is that seal no. 108 shows that by 1292, Sir Thomas de Bois (knight) was already displaying the arms of Brus & Annandale (Saltire & chief) on his official Knightly  seal.

Seal no. 109 shows that in the early 1200s, one Walter del Bois, obviously a land owner in Annandale, made a grant of land in Carruthers to St Cuthbert's church in Durham.

Grant in free alms by Walter del Bois, for the souls of himself, his father and mother, Galiena his wife and Richard his heir, his ancestors and successors, to God, St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham, of land at Tauenaus - from the Rede how on the bank of the Kirtle to the road towards Robdesbi; north by the road until the first stream from the peat to the Kirtle and thus down the Kirtle to Redebane - and common pasture in the vill of Carruthers for 100 sheep, 40 draught animals, 50 goats, 20 pigs and 3 horses.
Witnesses: Richard his son; Galiena his wife; Ralph de Wausant; Padinus the reeve; William of Spain; Robert of Lytham; Adam son of Richard; Stephen clerk; Hamo; Geoffrey son of Albelot.

Best regards

Then in 1361 we also have William of Creighton with the title lord of Dryfesdale

A 1361 Clan Carruthers Mousewald document charter mentions Crichton as Lord of Dryfesdale.

Also see ref: "Gift of half the lands of John Raffles in Mouswald (DMF)"

Click on Witnesses tab to see Lord of Dryfesdale

A number of different sources indicate that the Crichton family gained the Lordship of Dryfesdale by marrying into the De Boys family when they found themselves without a male heir to 'Lord Boyis of Dryfesdale'.

Best regards

Possible Drysdale/Jardine link:

Best regards


Making conections

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Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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