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February 2016 Blog Posts (9)

Children of Obediah Hunt and Margaret M. Nottingham

Children of Obediah Hunt and Margaret M. Nottingham This is the 8th generation from Capt William Willett. All the children were born and were buried at Hunt's Place in Northampton Co. In July 1839 the Northampton County Court appointed Joakim Wilkins, Jr., the guardian of the minor children, Alfred T. Hunt and Washington Hunt. It is unusual to find the widow of Hillary Hunt, Delitha Luker was to marry Joakim Wilkins, Sr. and then have the widow of Obediah Hunt, Margaret M.…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 21, 2016 at 18:00 — No Comments

Obediah Hunt

This is a continuation 0f Land Causes  1833-1856 Northampton Co, Virginia

...andin as much as your oratrix are without adequate remedy in the premises, in a Court of Law, may it please the Court to cause said Jesse J. Simkims and John M. Wilkins, adam. of said Obed Hunt, the Elder, deceased, and said Washington Hunt, to be made defendants to this bill and required to answer the same, that commissioners may be appointed to lay off the dower of your oratrix in said land  and assign her…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 17, 2016 at 18:30 — No Comments

Children of Obediah Hunt and Margaret M. Nottingham

The children of Obediah Hunt and his wife, Margaret M. Nottingham, represent the 8th generation from Capt William Willett and his wife, Ann Stringer

1) Washington Hunt

2) Ajfred T. Hunt

3) Obediah Hunt

4) Margaret Hunt

Land Causes Book -1833-1856, pages 117-122 provides us an excellent picture of this family. My information here is abstraced from part of one of these five pages.

"Orator and Oratrix, Joakim Wilkins (Jr.) and Margaret, his wife…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 16, 2016 at 22:30 — No Comments

Hezekiah Brickhouse

Will of Hezekiah Brickhouse Princess Anne Co, Virginia (1781-18710 page 197

Will written 6 Oct 1781 proved 4 Sept 1792- to sons William, John, Robert, and Smith. To daughters Polly Boush and Bridget Brickhouse. Money due from John Brickhouse, Sr., in Northampton Co and Capt Thomas Walker to be divided between sons William and Smith.

The father of Hezekiah Brickhouse was William Brickhouse will written 3 Nov 1760 and proved 9 Dec 1760, Wills & Inventories #22, 1760-1762,…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 15, 2016 at 20:00 — No Comments

Obediah Hunt and Margaret M. Nottingham

This is the continuation of Obediah Hunt and his wife Margaret M. Nottingham. who are seven generations removed from Capt William Willett, Gent. This blog centers around a blog devoted to Margaret M. Nottingham for two reasons. Normally, such attention would pass me by as my scope centers around the descendants of Lt. Col Edward Douglas, Firstly It was a real challenge for me to find Margaret M. Nottingham's ancestors and I refused to allow this challenge to get the better of me. Secondly,…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 15, 2016 at 19:30 — No Comments

Obediah Hunt and Margaret M. Nottingham

7th generation Obediah Hunt and his wife, Margaret M. Nottingham. Obediah Hunt died Oct 1835. See Order Book 39, 1831-1836, page 422 (Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, Northampton Co, 1800=1854, page 294. Margaret, declined Administration. Admin. Jesse J. Simkims and John M. Wilkins. Joakim Wilkins (Jr) mar Margaret Hunt 9 July 1839, widow of Obediah Hunt (Marriages Northampton Co 1660-1854 page 127) . Margaret was born 1 Sept 1802 and died 9 Dec 1857. The "Death Collection"…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 13, 2016 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Descendants of Hillary Hunt and Delitha Luker

I shall comment on the last two children of Obediah Hunt and Rose Goffigon and then continue with the descendants of Hillary Hunt and Delitha Luker.

6th generation

Betsy Hunt died about 1795 in Northampton Co. Betsy married William Scott, Jr., 20 Dec 1783. William Scott was the son of William Scott and Mary Carvey, See "Marriages Northampton Co" page 99 and page 19 for the second marriage. Betsy had no children.

Susan (Sukey} Hunt was born about 1770. Sukey mar Walter…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 12, 2016 at 21:30 — No Comments

Children of Hillary Hunt and Delitha Luker

7th Generation Children of Hillary Hunt and Delitha Luker

Susan Hunt, born 15 Mar 1797 and died 5 Noy 1848. Susan mar Thomas Michael Scott 8 Apr 1816, Marriages 1660-1854, page Walter Luker and W. Williams, sec., son of Michael Scott and Nancy Whitehead, Susan mar 2) George Taylor, 30 July 1821 Susan mar 3) John Hanby 12 Apr 1830.

Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 3, 2016 at 20:30 — No Comments

Hillary Hunt son of Obediah Hunt and Rose Goffigon

Surviving children of Obediah Hunt and Rose Goffigon These children represent the sixth generation.

1} Hillary Hunt was born about 1767 and died 1799 in Northampton Co. See Orders #33, 1796=1800, page 372, Hillary Hunt's estate adm. by Walter Luker (his brother-in-law)on 9 Sept 1799. Apprais. John Williams, Thomas Wilson, John Goffigon, George Powell, See Qrder Book #35, 1808-1816, page 183 "The Court doth assign Joakim Wilkims,Sr. guardian to Sukey Hunt and Obed Hunt, orphans of…


Added by Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr. on February 1, 2016 at 18:00 — No Comments

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